Mother's Day Letter
May 12, 1918
114 U.S. Infantry


Camp McClellan
May 12, 1918

 Dear Mother:
     Today is “Mothers Day” and every lad in the United States Army who has a mother
is writing to her because he loves her and is thinking of her. That is the reason I am
writing to you. A fellow never knows what his Mother is to him until he is away from
her on a campaign or expedition like the present one.
     A fellows mother always stands by him through “thick and thin” when everyone
else has deserted him in time of need she always stands ready to help him. Many a lad if
he had followed his mother's advice and guidance in early life would be a better man
than he is today. The Mothers of today are having an exalted honor bestowed upon them.
They are giving up their sons, to go forth to battle against an unjust and barbarous foe.
Who have cast aside all semblance of civilization and humanity, and who thru' the force
of arms is trying to conquer and subdue the civilized peoples of the world. They are
sending their sons forth to battle against this foe to conquer it and make the world safe forthe future generations who are to come and to protect the present generation, from thefiendish inhumanity of this foe.
The peoples of the world can but partly understand the sacrifice these Mothers are
making. The Mother is the only one who completely understands. This foe must and
will be conquered, peace once more restored to the peoples of the World which has
resounded with the “Thunder of War”, and which has rocked it to its very foundations.

       With love to all I will now bring this to a close. I am writing this letter after
“Taps” it is now 12:15 p.m. This is the only tent in the Co. Street that is allowed to have
the lights lit after “Taps”.

With Love,

       P.S. – I'm sending home some stuff tomorrow, extra clothes, personal
belongings etc. Also be on the watch out for a little package, which will come through
“Parcel Post”.
